

Stand up

for the future of your children

The Future We Envision

Parents have the fundamental right to direct the education, medical care, moral, and religious upbringing of their children. We will end the government’s overreach between parents and their children. We will leave divisive dogmas behind in favor of success, greatness, and truth.

The Mission We Embrace

The March for Kids will bring awareness to the decline of our educational system and the erosion of parental rights in our country. We will unite parents of every faith, race, and political party behind the future of America, our children. We march because we understand the value and importance of defending parental rights to ensure children have a foundation rooted in their families. We march because we know strong families equal a strong future for America. This is our time to stand and say with one voice that we will no longer tolerate the failure of our society.

March for kids beginning

about the march for kids

The March for Kids is a collaboration of dozens of grassroots organizations from all corners of the country, unifying together for one purpose: parents have a fundamental right to direct the upbringing of their children.